what we do

Medical Care
All our workers and the children enrolled in our schools see a doctor or nurse twice a year in our spring and fall clinics.
Regional Medical Clinic
GSM operates a well staffed, well equipped Medical Clinic at our Savanne Carree compound. The clinic is presently open three days a week, serving the northeast region of Haiti. The clinic has an M.D., R.N., pharmacy, and basic laboratory capabilities.
At GSM we focus our resources in 4 areas :
Christian Education
GSM operates schools on all 3 of our campuses. We teach grades 1 - 12. At present we have a total enrollment of around 1700 children. GSM employs around 140 Haitian nationals as principals, teachers, cooks, gate keepers, grounds keepers, guards, administrators, and mechanics. In addition to the “3 R’s”, curriculum includes Bible class and chapel services.
Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)
Getting the truth of God’s Word into the hearts and minds of the Haitian people is the only hope of setting that nation free from centuries of bondage to Satan’s lies and deceptions. We do this in several ways:
- assembly before class with prayer, songs, recitation
- daily Bible class
- weekly chapel services
- campus revival services
- Bible Conferences in local churches
- pastor’s schools